Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bolu Hongkong Brown Rice Flour

- 4 egg yolks -
- 30 grams of refined sugar -
- 1 tsp emulsifier (SP / TBM) -
- 4 egg whites -
- 1 / 4 teaspoon salt -
- 50 grams gulapasir -
- 30 grams of low-protein flour -
- 50 grams of rice flour -
- 20 grams of cocoa powder -
- 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder -
- 75 grams of margarine, dilelhkan -
- 1 / 2 teaspoon brown paste -


1. Beat the egg yolks, caster sugar and emulsifier until half fluffy. Set aside.
2. Beat the egg whites and salt until fluffy half. Add caster sugar a little as she whipped until fluffy.
3. Enter the beaten yolks elur while whipped at medium speed until fluffy. Add flour, rice flour, cocoa powder, and     baking powder as she sifted and stirred slowly.
4. Enter melt margarine and chocolate pasta a little bit, stirring gently.
5. Pour in tall paper cup.
6. Oven 25 minutes under temperature of 180 oC fire until cooked.

For 10 pieces